Aleister Crowley was rotting down in Hastings
The adepts read Kabbalah at the lodge
Invocate my demon brother
Or any spirit I choose to conjure
The Devil has the best tunes
Leila wants to wreck the Beatles
Kenneth Anger tried to curse the Stones
The Dalai Lama told the Third Reich
The naive advice
You’d better run like hell
Satan wants me, not you
Satan wants me for my mind
Tonight his daughter I would child
To lead a quiet life
Satan wants me, not you
Satan wants me, not you
Rasputin may drive out sin
By piling on sin on sin
On sin on sin on sin
Satan wants me, not you
Satan wants me, not you
My mother says that she will miss me
I will not attend the funeral when she dies
Out in the English countryside
With my girl Sally and my future bride
Satan wants me for my mind
Tonight his daughter I would child
To lead a magic life
Satan wants me, not you
Satan wants me, not you
L. Ron Hubbard, Anton LaVey
Got me the potions but couldn’t play
The blues like Jimmy Page
Satan wants me, not you
Satan wants me, not you
Satan wants me