Change for a $ 20? Objection, your honor! He’s uh, he’s soliciting my client.
I mean he’s purposely trying to, uh, pro fornicate? Yes, pro fornicate,
the matter, concerning my boo here. I mean, uh, homegirl. Uh, you know,
Mmm. Shake it up, shake it up.
Objection. He’s leading the witness. I mean, shake it up, my nig.
Uh, yes, your honor. They call me Frostbite Slim, see cuz uh Frostbite,
I’m a cold lawyer. But I’m currently in practice under the name of Peanut
Hakeem Anafu Washington. Now, your honor.
Yeah I know it’s rough out here, love.
Here we go.
But we got your back.
Objection. He’s seducing the witness. He’s trying to seduce the witness.
You know what I’m saying? Bubbling? Of course she’s bubbling. She’s playing by
his rules. Man. I mean Jesus Christ, would you look at this woman, your honor?
Just look at this woman for a second. Now. Your honor, may I, may I,
your Majesty? Okay. The terms loose, uh, hood rat, uh, hooker, uh,
hoochie mama, your honor, have all been used to, uh, purposely terrorize my
client. Okay, now I’m gonna refer to, um, page, article, so oh yeah, right here.
Uh, your Majesty, uh there to and hence forth, and listen to what I’m sayin
now, and there in the matter of fact of there of, uh, predicated upon,
but not limited to, per se, in license of, having jurisdiction within,
hereafter, «Come hither. Hath doth light shine upon thee?"Your honor.
In other words, home girl is innocent. You see what I’m sayin? She’s innocent.
Got her back.
Can I get that Poona?
See? Poona.
What is that? Huh?
Poonana, poonana.
Aha! Poonana! This is exactly, the type of slander that my client has grown,
accustomed to. She has been accused of being a tramp by the same men who have
created this dress code for her, your Majesty. I told you. Peanut Hakim Anafu
Washington, but I prefer to be called Frostbite Slim! Uh, your honor, uh,
why are they putting handcuffs on me, your honor? Uh, your honor. No. No! No.
Objection. Objection! Objection! Reflection? Correction! Hocus Pocus!
This ain’t right! Just call me Frostbite! I’m a cold lawyer though!
I’m really a cold lawyer. Y’all need to be giving me a chance. Just give me a
chance. Im’ma free the bitch. Im’ma free the hoe.
Just don’t get it. That’s, it just doesn’t happen. You have to be stimulated,
and men are visually stimulated
If you can’t take me home wit you
Then a lap dance will have to do
If you can’t take me home wit you
Then a lap dance will have to do
If you can’t take me home wit you
Then a lap dance will have to do
If you can’t take me home wit you
Give it up cuz she’s a man’s girl
Bubbling in a man’s world
Give it up cuz she’s a man’s girl
She’s struggling in a man’s world
Give it up cuz she’s a man’s girl
Bubbling in a man’s world
Give it up cuz she’s a man’s girl
She’s struggling in a man’s world