The Thrush did pipe full cleare
And eke with very mery chere,
The Lenite lifted vp her pleasant voice.
The Goldinch chirped and the Pie did chatter,
The Black bird whistled and bedde mee reioyce,
The stock doue mumered with a solemne latte,
The little Dawe ka ka ka ka hee cride,
The HicQuale hee beside,
Tickled his part
In a party coloured coate,
The Iaye did blow his hoboy gallantly.
The wren did treble many a prety note,
The Wood Pecker did hamer melowdie
The Kite tiw whiw full of cride
soring vp aloft.
And downe againe returned presently
To whom the heralde of Cornutoes
all sung coockoo
Euer whilst poor Margery cride
Who did ring nights larum bell,
With all did do well,
O might I hear them euer
Of straines so sweet,
Sweete birds depriue us neuer.