I’m not saddened to describe: you never mattered to me much
You were the beautiful ones on the schoolyard
Who were quick with a punch
Who were fast to point a flincher out for ridicule and derision
Who could operate athletic equipment with all precision
Who held no superstition about doing unto others
Therefore I just avoided you. Jackets in school colors
Weren’t difficult to spot you in. Don’t associate — solved
In fact, in retrospect, you barely bothered me at all
So I bear you no ill will, our eternal rivalry notwithstanding
You were always the IBM; I was always the Tandy
Any nerd who couldn’t accept the social order was a cur
Other nerds would ostracize him. Yet all agreed: we knew for sure
That US > YOU, despite appearance
Look at now: demand for nerds. Old jocks: stock on clearance
Scratch potbellies and weep about the elbow and the wife
I guess I am a little saddened to describe you
But I’m going to be all right
It’s cool
I’m not going blame you for saddening me