Oh worship Him, His Name is hallow in this place
For the Lo-ord is goo-od and his mer-cy endur-eth for-everrrrr
Bless his Ho-ly name
For I will (Tenors) bless the Lord
At all times
AND HIS (sopranos) praises shall
continually be in my mouth
For the Lord is goo-od and his mer-cy endur-eth for-everrrrrr
For I will (Altos) bless the Lord
At all times
AND HIS (sopranos) praises shall
continually (Tenors) be in my mouth
Fo-or I will (Altos) praise the Lord
At all times
AND HIS (Sopranos) praises shall
Continually (Tenors) be in my mouth
For the Lo-rd is go-od and his mer-cy endu-reth for-ever
Bless His Ho-ly Name
Praise Him, Praise Him, Praise Him, Bless His Ho-ly Name x2
Praise Him, Praise Him, repeat following leader, Bless His Holy Name
Praise Him, Praise Hime, Praise Him, Praise Him, Praise Him, Praise Him
Bless His Ho-ly Name