And there was a battle in Heaven, and Michael and
His Angels battled against that dragon and His angels.
And that ancient serpent, He who is called the devil,
and Satan, was cast down to deceive the whole world.
Very soon He and His False Prophet will try to cause
The people of the world to bear a mark on their right
hand or on their forehead, so that no one can buy or
sell unless he has the name of the beast or the
number of his name. So let He who has the
understanding calculate the number of the beast,
for it is the number of a man, and that man is alive
today… and his number is:
He fell from heaven, he was one of a kind
Had a certain power, to control your mind
He captured hearts, of everyone
Many will be dammed, when his work is done
Ah — ah — Lucifer
He stands so proud, so vain and so tall
Down at his feet many Christians did fall
He captured the hearts of everyone
Many will be dammed when his time has come
Ah — ah — Lucifer
Ah — ah — Lucifer
He’s the author of death, the father of lies,
If you do his bidding, you’ll surely die!
Nations will fall, many nations will rise,
He’ll be their king — be like the most high…
Religious deception is His biggest trick,
He sits on a throne under Six Sixty Six!
He’ll gather His armies from far and wide,
He’ll be their king — be like the most high…
He’s the king of this world, now you gave him control
All that is left, is the fate of your soul
He captured hearts, of everyone
Many will be dammed, when his work is done
Ah — ah — Lucifer
Time is short, before the morning light
To all will be revealed, in the dead of night
He deceived the hearts of everyone
Souls were dammed, when their time had come
Ah — ah — Lucifer
Ah — ah — Lucifer
Ah — ah — ah — ah — ah — ah
Ah — ah — ah — ah — ah — ah