ROSE MAYBUD’s cottage is seen Left StageEnter Chorus of Bridesmaids.
They range themselves in front of ROSE’s cottage.)
Fair is Rose as bright May-day;
Soft is Rose as warm west-wind;
Sweet is Rose as new-mown hay —
Rose is queen of maiden-kind!
Rose, all glowing
With virgin blushes, say —
Is anybody going
To marry you to-day?
Every day, as the days roll on,
Bridesmaids' garb we gaily don,
Sure that a maid so fairly famed
Can’t long remain unclaimed.
Hour by hour and day by day,
Several months have passed away,
Though she’s the fairest flower that blows,
No one has married Rose!
Rose, all glowing
With virgin blushes, say —
Is anybody going
To marry you to-day?
Hour by hour and day by day,
Months have passed away.
Fair is Rose as bright Mayday, etc.