In Worcester City there lived a damsel
And now the truth to you I’ll tell;
She by her servantman was courted
Who often told her he loved her well
She loved him true, but at a distance;
He did not think to be very fond
«Now for your convict and in constant lovers
I pray you’ll end your sweet tender love.»
By a young master, this fair young damsel
Was invited to a ball, you know
This wicked young man he followed after
And soon prepared for her overthrow
As she was dancing all with another
Jealousy it filled his mind;
Then to destroy his own true lover
This wicked young man he was inclined
Oh, quickly he prepared some poison
He mixed it with a glass of wine
And gave it to his own true lover;
She drank it with a most fearful mind
A little after this fair young damsel
«Now take me home, my dear,» said she
«For the liquor that you have lately gave me
Has made me very ill indeed.»
As they was walking along together
He then unto her did say
«I gave you poison all in your liquor
All for to take your sweet life away.»
«And I have drunk of the same, my jewel
I hope to die as well as thee.»
So in each other’s arms they died;
And young men, beware of jealousy