Closing In
Tabbed by Michael Fryar
s= slide
x=dead note
Ok well here ya all go, Ive finally worked out the
full version of Closing In (after about 2 months!)
This has to be the hardest Living End song there
is so dont think you can play it first go!
Enjoy!, Michael.
Also Ive put everything in little sections so
learn each section at a time.
e----------------------------5-:* Play from * to * again.
(repeat this section 3 times ok)
This is where it goes into that fast Top Gun type solo :)
(play this section twice)(from * to *)
d-5-(strum)----7-(strum as needed)-:|
Finish on g-7--:|
e----:| Tabbed by Michael
ICQ: 67 053 832.