I find no fault in Him.
I find no fault in Him
Yet he was rejected despised of men
But I find no fault in Him
They led Crist to Calvary but he never said one word
Just the cries of lost sinners was all the savior heard
And then they pierced him in his side
And then his blood came streaming down
And that’s how he purchased my salvation
And I find no fault in him.
I find no fault in him
I find no fault in him
Yet he was rejected, despised of men
But I find no fault in him
We led Christ to Calvary yet he never said one word
Just the cries of lost sinners was all my savior heard
And then they pierced him in his side
And then him blood came streaming down
And that’s how he purchased my salvation
And I find no fault in him.
And that’s how he purchased my salvation
And I find no fault in him.