Oh, the cotton gin hummed in the warm afternoon
The wagons rolled in with their load
We played childhood games in the old lumberyard
Down on the southern railroad
Many times I’ve told about the green and the gold
And the silver trim driving wheel
The white steam a-blowing and the black smoke a-rolling
Out across those Georgia fields
On the platform down at the old depot
By the mossy water tank
On the Alabama and Georgia line
Back home in Sulphur Springs
Oh if I could turn backward the cold hands of time
To a bright blue yesterday
And listen for the whistle of old 41
As she rolls along on her way
Down the dirt roads of time
Through the turpentine pines and the cotton fields far away
To the red clay hills, the rocks and the reels
Speed me safe home today
On the platform down at the old depot
By the mossy water tank
On the Alabama and Georgia line
Back home in Sulphur Springs
On the platform down at the old depot
By the mossy water tank
On the Alabama and Georgia line
Back home in Sulphur Springs