This is a Fonk Tail — a history of intergalactic fonk expeditions:
Many moons ago in a galaxy known as the Fonk Nebulae, specially trained
afro-nauts set forth on the Mothership to seed and colonize unfonky planets
These extra terrestrial brothers searched far and wide through fonk holes and
stargates to find a most suitable world to Fonkatize
By chance they did happen upon a small blue planet and beamed down several
advance team brothers to check out the situation
These noble warriors found much natural groove among the population,
but more importantly did find the human female most attractive and thus did
bed with woman
And a child was born — and the fonk was with him. The brothers decided to name
him «Ooh»
Joy and laughter filled all the land as word spread that a fonk savior had been
His place of birth came to be called Fonkdom and thus the initial home of the
United Colonies Of Fonksters
As the child grew, word continued to spread by poem, songs and fonknets about
his special powers
All those that believeth upon him came to be called Fonkateers and were
baptized in the image of the chosen one, Dr. Fonkenstein
It is written that this child wielded a magic wand that was guaranteed to make
them come
This magic wand was call-ed then and is still call-ed now —