Todays our tune is about one guy what is called Zeeko
Zeeko was from Northern Moor but he chilled in Baugley as that is where he felt
most at home
And cos he was looking to finger one gal called Sharlesha n dat
Zeeko had many trainers but he was always jealous of fat Gaz who got bare gal
even though he was dead fat
Everybody knew this was down the the fresh shocks what he just bought
(You know the black ones with the red boings in)
And everyone was like «bouuuugh there nuff sick them g»
And bare gal was like «yeah they’re crisp them do you wanna touch me nosh»
Zeeko decided that he needed to get a fresh pair of shocks so that he could
bone Sharlesha n dat and the new super boings with blue all round the sides had
just come out — they were some cold cold shit
Zeeko knew that tracksuit Tony, one guy who usually sold tracksuits,
had some super boings what he nicked from JJB
But Zeeko was in a predicament: he had spent all his dough on a black out
crutake pack what he got off Chinese Pete one guy who ain’t Chinese but he
sells dvds and people call him Chinese for jokes
So Zeeko decided fuck it — he would ask tracksuit Tony for a tick it was live
cos his dukes would get her giro next week and he could just teeth it one time
and pay him
But shit just didn’t work out like that…
Zeeko’s dukes already owed tracksuit Tony all her giro cos she bought three
Sergio Tacchini’s a week before and Tony had collared her at the job centre and
that so she didn’t have no more dough or nutting
This meant that Zeeko didn’t have Tonys dough n that and Tony had to batter him
outside Nettos (obviously)
So this tune is for Zeeko n dat… safe