Wel galb aho dab
And the heart has melted
Wel shou2 ghalab
And passion is deep
W ana lama bshoufak yawm 3eedi
And when I see you it’s a celebration
Esmak maktoub bel galb ya zein
Your name is written on my heart, sweety
Rasmak fi 3ayouni ya dayy el 3ain
Your picture is in my eyes, oh light of my eyes
Mafish zayena bel 7ob tnein
There are no two like us in love
3asheg bel 3shg ma ytkhabash
I’m in love with love and can’t hide it W 3ayounak gheera ma bterdaash
And in your eyes is jealousy that won’t have it W shawerli ageelak ma stanaash
And signal for me to come, I won’t wait
El galb el ba7r hawa btawaf
The heart’s love is a floating ocean
Ytamen yawm w sneen bykhaf
One day it is sure and years it is scared
W ana bein sha6ein mngheir mejdaf
And I am between two beaches without an oar