Before the hammers could ring
His Blood touched the cross for me.
Before the hammers could strike the nails
that pinned Him to the tree.
Before the spear ever pierced His side
letting blood and water run free.
Before the hammers could ring
His blood touched the cross for me.
When sin was nailed thunder rolled,
the earth shook with fright.
Darkness fell as the Lamb of God
held Him tight.
Legions of angels and a host of heaven
stood by.
The law was fulfilled and a dark kingdom fled from the light.
Before the hammers could ring
His blood touched the cross for me.
Before the hammers could strike the nails
a crown of thorns made Him bleed.
And the stripes on His back
left a bloody trail
all the way to Calvary.
Before the hammers
could ring
His Blood touched the cross
for me.
When sin was nailed
thunder rolled, the earth shook
with fright.
Darkness fell as the Lamb of God
held Him tight.
Legions of angels
and a host of heaven stood by.
The law was fulfilled
and a dark kingdom fled from the light.
Before the hammers could ring
His blood touched the cross for me.