The end of the war is in sight and the
World holds its breath
About to send a million men
Into glory or death
The enemy knows we are coming
The traps are set
Legions facing the sea
Legions dauntless are we
Legions recklessly hellbound
The day of the overlord is now
Battalions of eleven nations
Are joined in this fight
To stand against the power of evil
Because it is right
Full steam we arrive
With the tide and the light
Legions wave after wave
Legions rifles and blades
Legions recklessly hellbound
The day of the overlord is now
The fire-eyed maid of smoky war
Beckons us with her dreadful sound
Brothers, as we reach the shore, break
Not with faith nor courage now
Fear not of pain
Nor death
Nor loss
No more can grieve you
If all should end here
On the longest day
Sword beach and our mettle
Is put to the test
American blood is running deep
In the sand to the west
Tooth and nail
Painfully onward we press
Legions dead in the sand
Legions wresting command
Legions recklessly hellbound
The day of the overlord is now