It was years ago, as a fully grown boy, I, was jumping in the street and I
Was clobbered by, a car into a window
That was when I saw, a game boy advance, S-P-, blue edition,
But my fa-mi-ly, can barely afford gold.
As I stared at him, into his eyes… he said, «Mom, mamaaa», as he held it in his
tiny hands…
I started running and I screamed, and, shoved him to the ground, took,
that GBA from he…
Got inside, my house, with a big, smelly han-dle, snuck past all my parentals
And then I blew my candle out.
As I pressed the boooton with my feenge, did not, know, what it’d, bring me…
Or what, its all a-bout…
And a little man appeared on screen, his, name was Mare-e-o, he sprints at fast
speeds such as my own…
Pressed another boooton and he jumped, I screamed when he disappeared, and,
I feared, he wouldn’t, come…
Just stay away, from my gameboy ad-vance, S, P, blue edition
(You better back, away my friend)
You can’t take away, my gameboy ad-vance, S, P, blue edition
(Not even from, my cold, dead hands)
The screen turned black, it had turned into a big, hole, «Is this a hole I see,
before me?»
And it echoed like a hole…
There was Mare-e-o, and his gra-phics were jumbled, realistic pores
And chapped, lips… and I tried, to change, it…
Then Mare-e-o he did not move, all, that he did was scream, and my skin turned
rotten and green…
I feared the worst, and so I, tossed, that, gameboy out the window, it came,
back again…
I snuck inside of the little boys room, I wanted to tell him that I was wrong
But when I turned the lights on, the room was full of people in black
I said, «Who the flip are you people? Is that your boy there inside that box?»
A priest said, «Lower that box», then I sprinted towards the coffin
I yelled to free me of this curse, then Mare-e-o appeared, but then gaussian
blurred away
Appeared again, said learned my les-son, clicked his mustache, then I woke the
next day…
Just stay away, from my gameboy ad-vance, S, P, blue edition
(You better back, away my friend)
You can’t take away, my gameboy ad-vance, S, P, blue edition
(Not even from, my cold, dead hands)