Sticky icky
Iggy poppin' pill j’puff
Pickin' up ti-guy rizzla
Sour D OD ODP OCB Chocolat pi opi-humpty dumpty yum yum
Papier d’alluminium chum doctor greenthumb
Wake n' bake cake baking sodium
Where we comming from
Weed stash couleur pistache avec ou sans piece tab'
Sellin' pi stack, coucou
4/20 coconut blunt coucoune unfume dot sokunom shrooms dans lbodou
Akouna matapumba
Kountaro apousha
Limon verde gringo into kilo kimo kush oh oh
Dos papel el pape la chichine
Killen em' doobies lucy you be kicking in
PPPP puff pass pif paf pouf
Smokin' emcees rest in peace im the proof