All over the world, the gospel grows planted in human hearts
All over the world the Father shows the love that’s in His heart
And His voice goes out to ev’ry part til ev’ry one has heard
And the wind of the Spirit brings new life in Christ all over the world
For the glory of the Father, for the glory of His name, for the fullness of his
pleasure, for the radiance of His fame. So let the nations rejoice and let them
lift up their voice. Everybody sing His praises, praise Him all over the world
All over the world God’s blessings flow to every humble heart
All over the world His favor shows the longing of His heart
That His people be filled with His great delight and be fully satisfied
Finding their great4est joy in obedience to Christ all over the world
He gave us light so that we could believe. For the glory of the father for the
glory of His name, for the fullness of His pleasure, for the radiance of His
fame. So let the nations rejoice and let them lift up their voice.
Everybody sing His praises, praise Him all over the world. (repeat)