Is anybody out there?
Like me at all?
I first noticed this when I was small
That I gotta be from Mars
Who else writes All Rs?
In prison with all bars
My home is all stars
Start the launch sequence
'Cause I’m makin' a run
I got my ray-gun charged up
I set the phaser to stun
I’m going to fly
I won’t dry up like raisin in sun
Four three two one I’m done
Feeling like some
I can breath in space 'til
I don’t need a space suit
I just need a like mind
Anybody like mine
See me in the night sky
Let my little light shine
To what they’re doing
I’ve been incongruent
You better promise me I’m human
Not Truman in comedy
Cosmically child prodigy
They want labotomy
Think my geneology astrology
I oughtta be
I think upon astronomy
I gotta be a