Hello, hello from the other side of
Look I’m sorry to disappoint
Lost track of time along the way
Regretful thought as she lays away
Taking refuge in the pack of nicotine
Velvet showers on the edge of seventeen
Hello, hello from the other side of
Look I’m sorry to disappoint
Somnolence and forgetful features
Stretching out but they can’t reach her
Fake himself and trembling fingers
The begging hour as she lingers
So like, one thing that I’ve been worried about more recently. Is the idea that
I myself, I know a lot of other people have this issue, that I am damaged good.
Meaning that, especially with like, a romantic relationship. Know like,
once they really get to know me and like, know about, like, especially like,
mental illness. They’re gonna be like, I don’t like you anymore,
if that makes sense. So like, I’m just afraid that once they get to know me,
once they really get to know me, they’re not gonna like me anymore