Cackling past, I curse your echoing voice
I have become the air that was so cold
The final form surrounding that which we never have known
So bleak it is that nothing will escape
The enemy of all that was and all that should have been
The unfeeling earth was never this aware
A piece of me is dying and I somehow do not care
No victory or strength to battle this and hope for life
We hold our breath and close our eyes and now lay down to die
I question that which guides my every step
No God exists to place the blame, it solely lies within
My feeble heart is blackened from the worthlessness of life
I hold my breath and close my eyes and now lay down to die
Do you still ring with the pain of the words not forgotten that hide in my
shadow like so many faded days?
How your anguish persists, it still gnaws at my heart
These memories will chase me eternal and grant me no solitude
A single voice still lingers