Yo, I thought I was in love last week
Turns out that was more explosive than Plastique
Something like an overdosage of caffeine
First the passion then the crash then the trash heap
It’s not that I was overwhelmed by her past deeds
Though through her life she been considered a black sheep
And due to hatred she behaved like a bad seed
She so ashamed what she became that she can’t sleep
Just for survival she was fondled by strange dudes
So any moment she was liable to change moods
A silver tongue but out in public she stayed mute
As I’m the Sun it’s only right she was named Moon
A few appointments all my points had been made moot
And she was poised to be appointed my main muse
And she wasn’t after Sand’s paper, I made moves
To try and save her much like sandpaper can make smooth
But that was doomed
Can’t blame the moon
For being out at night
Can’t tame the moon
I’ve tried
Yo, I thought I was in love last month
If so I fit that classification just that once
I’m normally so concentrated on anthems
I won’t risk getting aggravated with that stuff
The reason we’d established patterns of passion
The fact she was too fascinating to pass up
My phallus sought a random fan for a fast nut
I’d planned to vanish once her pants was unfastened
But uhm
Not quite
Could tell that there was something different that first night
The kisses were too intimate for the first time
I’s miffed as she was definitely not my type
You see she was an avid reader of High Times
And she could leave entire liters in hindsight
Since she was mostly sober by my side I thought that watching over her might
help get her mind right but oh my
I guess that I’m in love right now
I realize with every rhyme that I write down
Still I suggested the indefinite time out
Because she not the type for trying to tie down
Still everywhere I go I’m keeping my eyes out
And every time my cellular bring about sound
There’s still a part of me that’s eager to find out
The love I lost 'cause she was lost has been now found
At last
But in the past too many treated her like trash
Either beat her, cheated, treated her like a tramp
That either she did not believe or could not grasp
That she could be the only thing that my life lacked
And that protecting her was really my life’s task
Wow did I really just write that?
I know I got it, ain’t acknowledge it was that bad